Friday, February 9, 2018

Breaking News from Alice Jay - Avaaz.. Our bees are in the greatest danger of becoming extinct. Remember without our bees and other pollinators our EARTH as we know it will die!! Many other organizations are noting that we are in our own environmental holocaust. Scientists have recently reported as of 2017, that the mass extinctions of marine animals may soon be occurring at alarmingly rapid rates than previously projected due to pollution, rising water temperatures and loss of habitat. Many land species also face a similar fate for the same reasons, as well as Trophy Hunting. The biggest foreboding danger of all facing humans is the loss of the global honeybee population and other pollinators. The consequence of a dying bee population impacts man at the highest levels on our food chain, posing an enormously grave threat to human survival.( The Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is the bee phenomenon which is currently recognized as an urgent crisis. I am a novice Beekeeper and as an advocate for all species, I believe we all need to recognize, that we are in a severe crisis of global proportion. I need to do more, we all need TO DO MORE.. sign the petitions, write your Congressman, State Representative and most of all write, use social media and sound off to the big chemical companies who sell these poisonous pesticides. We are the voice for all species, and we are heard throughout the world. Please share, we need to be very active and YES WE can stop this extermination of our Honey Bee's.. Below are links that one can read and share.. Mahalo

Dear friends,

Right now, billions of bees are dying. Already, there are nowhere near enough honeybees in the US to pollinate the crops, and in Europe beekeepers are losing at least 10% of their bees each year.

We're in the middle of an environmental holocaust that threatens all of us, because without pollination by bees, our whole food chain is under threat! 

Scientists are sounding the alarm about pesticides that are toxic to bees, and say we’re using way, way more pesticides on our crops than we need. And as with oil companies and climate change, big chemical companies that sell pesticides are fighting back with dubious corporate-funded science that questions the evidence, giving politicians an excuse to delay. 

But this year we could finally see a crackdown on these toxins in Europe, Canada, and the United States! -- and Avaaz has mapped a plan to make it happen:

  1. Turn the pesticide scientists into whistleblowers to testify to officials and Ministers;
  2. Run urgent studies to show how crops will flourish without these poisons;
  3. Launch massive public campaigns with political champions to win the bans.
Scientific studies and global public campaigns are expensive. Avaaz may be the only crowdsourced funding model in the world able to raise enough, fast enough to fund global-scale, grassroots-supported studies into how we farm without these poisons, to decisively challenge the compromised science of big pharma. The need is urgent, and if we can't do this, it's not clear who can. 

Europe poised for total ban on bee-harming pesticides (The Guardian) 

Strongest evidence yet that neonicotinoids are killing bees (New Scientist) 

Would we starve without bees? (BBC) 

Attack of the bee killers: Documents show Bayer and Syngenta teamed up with farmers to get around bee-friendly regulation (Politico) 

Controversial pesticides can decimate honey bees, large study finds (Science) 

Farms could slash pesticide use without losses (The Guardian)

Pesticide Lobby Spends Millions To Defend Chemicals Tied To Bee Deaths (Huffington Post)

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