Friday, October 30, 2015

Humane Society International to shut down another dog meat farm. This is a never ending battle and hopefully, as we continue to voice our outrage in the inhumane slaughter of these dogs, Humane Society International will continues to visit these farms in other countries. They will educate the farmers, their families and children. Helping to stop the slaughter of defenseless dogs and shut the dog meat farms. They continue to help these farmers transition to better lives and new farming practices.

“I walked up to the cages and pressed my hands against the wires. The dogs threw themselves against the front of their cages just to be touched, just to lick your hand. They were so desperate for any human kindness… more starved for affection than food." -
       Kitty Block, Vice President, Humane Society International
 Kitty, has seen a lot of cruelty, but she was overwhelmed by the inhumane conditions on the dog meat farm that HSI helped to shut down last month.

Follow along through this heartrending video as she tours the property, the dogs barking frantically as she approaches each cage.

It’s no wonder why the visit and presence of Kitty, produced such a mix of emotions. Such sadness at the suffering of helpless animals; anger at the callousness of humans. Extreme joy that these dogs would soon have a second chance at life; and the determination to shut down completely this terrible industry.

Many of us have dedicated a portion of our lives to rescue, save and protect. We have become a voice not to be reckoned with and I have no doubt that we all share her feelings in this matter.

Watch Kitty promise the dogs that better days are coming and read a Q&A about what she was thinking when she met the farmer -- and the comfort she got from one little puppy.

 : saved

Please all of us we need to continue to stand with Humane Society International. Help them, sign their petitions, donate what we can afford.  Together, we can end these horrific dog meat farms. Let's get on with our business to

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Urgent update from Defenders of Wildlife! Our Gray Wolves out of Wyoming are in danger of Slaughter!!!!!!!!!! Again Defenders of Wildlife are in our court system, defending their rights of survival. Can we stand with them!!!!!!

                       Wyoming's wolves are in the 
                    CROSSHAIRS OF  FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was only a year ago that Defenders of Wildlife won the protection for Wyoming's wolves after two long years in court.
But now, wolf-hating politicians are jamming a measure through the Federal appropriations process that would strip Wyoming's gray wolves of protection under the Endangered Species Act. This would inevitably open the way for a fresh round of killing.
As you know, the federal government turned wolf management over to Wyoming in 2012. In less than two years, more than 200 wolves were slaughtered across the state.
Under Wyoming's brand of "wolf management," most of the state was designated a "predator zone," literally a free-fire zone where anyone could kill any wolf at any time and for any reason.
Among the early victims of Wyoming's killing spree was a magnificent collared Yellowstone wolf known only as "06." The matriarch of the Lamar Canyon pack, 06 drew wolf-watchers from around the world. Her death just a few miles outside the Yellowstone National Park boundary was a tragic loss for science, for wolf tourism, and for her pack.
If anti-wolf members of Congress win, this is the sort of horror we could be going back to.
Thanks to a lawsuit brought by Defenders and our allies, a federal court ordered Wyoming's wolves back on the endangered species list in 2014. Now some in Congress are looking to undo that decision.
Anti-wildlife extremists are pouring millions into this kind of bold Congressional attack on the wildlife we love. And if they win, wolves will die.

Defenders of Wildlife was there 20 years ago and they are their now!!!!!!!!!!! 
They have protected the welfare of the Wolf every time, we must be a voice not to be Reckon with, please if you wish to donate just a little even a $l.00 or $5.00 from every person who cares about our heritage and what an important part WOLVES play in our ecosystem, please Please donate today.
Wolves are clinging  to survival in the vast forests and valleys of Wyoming. If these anti-wolf members of Congress have their way, the killing could start as soon as December.

Mahalo, for all you do

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lets send Chicken of the Sea a 48 ft. Message!!! Stop the slaughter of our marine life!


Just about 2 weeks ago I posted a petition regarding Chicken of the Sea telling them to end the abuse of tuna industry workers and create healthier oceans and 67,000 ocean supporters stepped up.  Lets do this!!

I donated to Greenpeace, to help send a message to the Tuna Industry of Chicken of Sea! 

Chicken of the Sea is ranked the most dangerous and destructive tuna industry in our nation. They are noted only for destroying seas and labor abuse for their industry workers.

Greenpeace is putting up a 48 ft billboard outside their front headquarters. This billboard will actually call on the company to address their environmental impact they have on our seas, marine life and their abuse to their industry workers throughout the chain.  They too are especially noted for destructive fishing methods that kill and injure thousands of sharks, sea turtles, and other vulnerable ocean life. 

Greenpeace is powered by our voice through petitions, and if needed through billboards like this one.

We are all part of this great chain of life, we have chosen to stand up and speak out and be the voice for all animals, marine life, endangered species, all wildlife and their environment.

                    Lets do this keep our oceans beautiful

Please help if you can, if one cannot please share with everyone. 

Mahalo, to everyone!! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Subject: I just took action, will you? Greenpeace works diligently everyday to save and protect, all marine life, our oceans, our forests our whole environment from disasters, like this one mention below. Lets stand together to protect and save, please sign and share Greenpeace's petition. Mahalo

Image result for tuna photos underwater

Very disturbing stories are now coming to light from the Pacific fishing industry  Many are working for low pay and some no pay.Many fishermen are now being forced to work under these conditions.

 Thai Union, has recently become embroiled in scandals and human rights abuses throughout its seafood supply chains.  they are CHICKEN OF THE SEA!!
Image result for photos tuna, shark turtles They are one of the US, largest fisheries and they still use destructive fishing methods that needlessly kill thousands of sharks, turtles, and other ocean creatures every year. And Chicken of the Sea's parent company Thai Union, was recently linked to horrific scandals and human rights abuses throughout its seafood supply chains. I'm standing up for our oceans and workers rights! I just sent a message to Chicken of the Sea telling them to clean up its dirty tuna and ensure that the company’s tuna is truly sustainable and fresh!
.sea turtle Will you join me? You can take action right here: Mahalo,  Tell the CEO to set up a policy that protects workers AND our oceans today!

Not only are they facing terrible scandals and people abuse, but overfishing, illegal shark finning, and other environmental crimes that often happen on loosely-regulated industrial fishing boats. Chicken of the Sea says it is committed to sustainability, but actions speak louder than words. Their ships are still engaging and using destructive fishing methods that needlessly kill thousands of sharks, turtles, and other ocean creatures every year.
A recent Greenpeace tour of the Pacific found their crews overworked and under-paid, barely-livable crew quarters, and even fishermen facing fines for using toilets or drinking bottled water.

As I have said before petitions work and when thousands of us make alot of big waves, our voices are heard throughout all nations. We were heard and Shell abandon their drilling in the Arctic. Petitions worked and they convinced many major seafood buyers to watch, learn and listen, like Trader Joe's, Costco and many more have decided to listen to our voice.